Former military man in the dock for alleged theft of Ksh4m goods

Former military man  in the dock for alleged theft of Ksh4m goods

A former Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) soldier has been charged in a Nairobi court with obtaining goods worth Sh4 million using false pretences.

Samuel Ouko Rangwa denied the two counts of conspiracy to defraud and obtaining levelled against him.


He was charged that on diverse dates between December 6 and 11, 2023 at Nairobi City within Nairobi county, jointly with others not before court conspired to defraud Caroline Mwoni Amusala goods worth Sh4,026,700.

The court heard that Rangwa obtained 600 sacks of rice and 500 jerricans of cooking oil, all valued at Sh4,026,700.

In the second charge, the prosecution told the court that using false pretences, Rangwa obtained the said goods from the complainant by pretending it was a genuine agreement between her and Kenya Veterans for Peace for the supply and delivery of the said goods, knowing well that this was false.

He appeared before the Milimani Chief Magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied the two charges against him.

The State Prosecutor James Gachoka applied for the accused to be denied bond arguing that the accused is a flight risk but the magistrate rejected the application saying allegations had not been corroborated.

He released him on a Sh1 million bond with a surety of similar amount or an alternative cash bail of Sh500,000 with one contact person.

He was further ordered to deposit his passport in court.

The matter will be mentioned on August 13, 2024 for pre-trial and directions.
