Kenyan govt issues 4 demands to Ford Foundation over suspected role in protests

    Kenyan govt issues 4 demands to Ford Foundation over suspected role in protests

    The Kenyan government has raised serious concerns about recent grants made by the Ford Foundation to local civil society organizations, following a wave of protests that have led to the loss of lives and widespread property damage.

    In a formal letter dated July 18, 2024, and addressed to Darren Walker, President of the Ford Foundation, Kenya’s Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs expressed appreciation for the Foundation’s longstanding contributions to the country’s development.


    However, the ministry highlighted growing apprehension regarding the activities of several grantees who have been at the forefront of the recent anti-government protests.

    These demonstrations initially emerged in opposition to the government’s revenue-raising proposals contained in the Finance Bill, an annual piece of legislation essential for implementing the national budget.

    Despite the government making various concessions, the protests have escalated, with some factions now pushing for the removal of President William Ruto from power.


    The letter from Foreign Affairs PS Korir Sing’oei detailed that between April 2023 and May 2024, a total of $5.78 million/Ksh752 million was disbursed to various organizations.

    The ministry was alarmed that $1.49 million/Ksh194 million of the total amount was expedited within the last month.

    The government of Kenya has listed 16 Non-governmental organisations in connection to the protests, namely:

    1. Africa Uncensored Limited (Project Mulika): $250,000

    2. Women’s Link Worldwide: $750,000

    3. Centre for Resource Mobilization and Development: $20,000

    4. Transform Empowerment for Action Initiative: $220,000

    5. Kenya Human Rights Commission: $600,000

    6. Open Institute Trust: $100,000

    7. Africa Centre for Open Governance: $200,000

    8. Transparency International: $300,000

    9. The Institute for Social Accountability (TISA): $200,000

    10. National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (K): $257,000

    11. Shining Hope for Communities Inc.: $2,050,000

    12. Coalition for Grassroots Human Rights Defenders Kenya: $250,000

    13. Community Aid International: $100,000

    14. Mzalendo Trust: $335,000

    15. Usikimye (Femicide): $30,000

    16. Citizens Advancement Initiative: $150,000

    The letter points out that the substantial funding provided to these organizations must be used prudently for legitimate purposes, rather than potentially aiding activities that could destabilize the state.

    The Kenyan government has raised concerns that some grantees’ actions might contravene local laws, including prohibitions against incitement, hate speech, and insurrection.

    “You will concede that the above funds disbursed to non-state recipients are substantial and must be prudently used to serve legitimate purposes or risk abuse to aid nefarious ends.

    “Thus, while we recognize the importance of maintaining an open civic space and respect for the principles of open government that we both share, the actions of some of your Grantees contravene the laws Kenya,” part of the letter read.

    4 demands

    Furthermore, the government questioned whether the Ford Foundation has abandoned its Non-Lobbying Policy, suggesting that recent activities may indicate an intent to influence Kenya’s internal political and policy processes adversely.

    The government has requested the Ford Foundation to provide detailed information on:

    1. Full details of grantees over the past year, including approved programs, project budgets, disbursed amounts, and upcoming disbursements.

    2. Reports from grantees detailing activities, costs, and beneficiaries.

    3. A report on the Foundation’s compliance with its Non-Lobbying Policy or a statement explaining its applicability to activities in Kenya.

    4. Sanctions that the Foundation will impose for breaches of the law or internal policies.

    The Kenyan government is awaiting a prompt response to these concerns.

    As this situation unfolds, it highlights the complex dynamics between international donors and local political landscapes, especially in nations grappling with significant socio-political challenges.
