Water CS nominee Eric Muriithi is from Mithika Linturi’s village

    Water CS nominee Eric Muriithi is from Mithika Linturi’s village

    It is all jubilations in Akaciu ward in Igembe south after President William Ruto appointed yet another Cabinet Secretary (CS) from former Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi’s home tuff.

    Muriithi Muuga, 32, who hails from Athi market, a few kilometres from Linturi’s home, was today nominated as Cabinet Secretary for Water, Sanitation and Irrigation.


    The nominee, a Civil Engineer by profession, has been lauded by his family and residents as a humble and hardworking individual.

    His father, Benson Muuga, who spoke to K24 Digital on the phone said the appointment is more of a miracle to the family.

    “I want to thank the almighty God because this a great miracle to this family, my son does not even belong to the political class, he has been purely appointed on merit and I can assure Kenyans that he will deliver to the expectations,” Muuga said.

    According to his joyful father, Muriithi attended Athi Primary School and later joined St.Paul Boarding Schools where he sat for his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) in 2005 and attained 431 marks.

    He then joined Lenana Boys High School where he passed with a mean of A –(minus) in his Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE).

    “Muriithi is an extraordinarily bright, very hardworking, committed, humble and obedient child. He has never once failed in his academics nor repeated a class, even when he joined the University of Nairobi to pursue Civil Engineering, he was still at the top of his class top, he had first-class honours both in his bachelor’s and master’s levels,” his father added.

    Muuga, a timber business trader also commended the president for picking his third-born son in a family of six siblings and rewarding the Igembe region once more with a CS post.

    “We thank the president for remembering us again, especially Akaciu ward where former Agriculture CS also comes from, this is a great miracle,” he added.

    While responding on whether his son could have been fronted by Mithika Linturi, he dismissed the claims, saying the former CS was not aware and that Muriithi had been given a docket different from Linturi’s.

    The area chief, Gerund Kalunge, also shared his thoughts on Muriithi’s appointment and expressed his gratitude to the president noting that it was remarkable for the location to produce a CS and a CS nominee in less than two years since Ruto took office.

    He also described Muriithi as a very social human being who has risen from a humble beginning.

    “We are very happy here because it is like the president has taken the cow and given us its calf. Muriithi is truly equal to the task,” Kalunge said.

    “Murithii is a very resilient person, before he went to work in his company we used to mill timber together so I know he is a true hustler and he will deliver.”

    He, at the same time, lauded Linturi saying they celebrate him for his effort to work and bring positive developments and transformation in the agriculture docket.

    “We are not afraid because we are sure Linturi will bounce back bigger and better it is just but a matter of time,” he added.
